Proposed changes to the management of Ditchling Beacon
On Wednesday, 31 August, between midday and 8pm, the Sussex Wildlife Trust (SWT) is hosting a walk-in event at Ditchling village hall as part of the continuing consultation on the management of Ditchling Beacon. Representatives from the SWT and its consultants, Footprint Ecology, will be there to explain what is proposed and they would very much welcome your comments.
At the end of July, Shirley Crowther and Steve Dempsey representing the Ditchling Society, were given a guided tour by Mark Hayward, the South Downs National Park Ranger, to see for themselves the proposed changes. These are important, not only for the ecology of the Downs, but also to ensure all users, whether on foot, on horseback or on bike, can make the most of this wonderful open space on our doorstep. If you want to read more, you can find it all at the SWT website

Renovation of the bridleway from Underhill Lane to the Beacon
One issue raised early in the consultation process was the state of the bridleway that continues from near the top of Nye Lane along the northern edge of the nature reserve up to the Beacon. East Sussex County Council have recently carried out major repairs to the bridleway; gone are the deep gullies and exposed tree roots, which have been replaced by a wide and graded chalk path. This work is to be applauded, but it remains a steep track and the question has been raised as to the safety of more vulnerable users sharing the path with potentially fast-descending mountain bikers.
Part of the SWT consultation concerns the possible fencing of part of the nature reserve north of the Beacon bostal so that the steep scarp slope can be grazed and returned to traditional pasture land. This would require gates across the bridleway at a couple of points.
Whatever your views, and however you wish to access the countryside, the 31 August meeting is an opportunity to understand more and make your views known about this important part of our village’s heritage.

Our annual event and AGM
Make sure you have Wednesday, 14 September, in your diary. Come and hear Jody Blake, Conservation Officer at the South Downs National Park Authority, as this year’s guest speaker talking about ‘The Ditchling Conservation Area Character Appraisal’. Living in Ditchling allows us to enjoy a rich and varied built environment within a stunning natural setting. Come and hear how we can protect our heritage for the future at the Barn on the Green, 14 September at 7pm.

South Downs Local Plan Review – Launch of Call for Sites and Local Green Space nominations
As if that was not enough – and just in case you like keeping up with what’s going on – the SDNPA has just issued a ‘call for sites and local green space nominations’. If it all seems too daunting, then you can be assured that Ditchling Parish Council and the Ditchling Society committee will both be considering what’s involved and making submissions. If you really want to read more, then the following text from an SDNPA email should give you the details you need.
The South Downs National Park Authority launched two Calls for Sites today Wednesday 10 August as follows: Call for Sites for development and offsetting Call for Local Green Spaces The Call for Sites is an early opportunity to suggest sites within the National Park for development and offsetting for now and up to 2040. The site suggestions received by us will be used to inform the preparation of the Local Plan Review. The Call for Sites exercise will not determine whether a site should be allocated for development. However, it will help identify a potential pool of sites for further consideration through a range of technical work that will help to inform future decisions on allocations in the Local Plan Review. The Call for Local Green Spacesis an opportunity to put forward sites for Local Green Space designation, which provides special protection against development for green areas that are of particular importance to local communities. The Local Plan and neighbourhood plans already have a number of designated Local Green Spaces. This Call for Local Green Spaces is seeking new sites which have not previously been submitted for consideration. Please note, that as well as holding the Call for Sites, we will also be looking for allocation sites through a number of other means. This will include a review of all allocations in the Local Plan and Neighbourhood Plans that have not yet received planning permission. If you have a site or indeed more than one site to suggest we would like to hear from you. How to Respond Further information about the launch, including details of the types of sites being sought, key criteria, and how your suggestions will be considered, is available to view on the SDNPA website for the Call for Sites www.southdowns.gov.uk/CallforSites2022 and for the Call for Local Green Spaces www.southdowns.gov.uk/CallforLGS2022 Suggested sites must be submitted by midnight on Wednesday 28 September 2022. |