About Us
The Ditchling society's role
The Ditchling Society focuses single-mindedly on the concerns and aspirations of the community. It works with, and contributes ideas to, the various elected authorities and individuals that have influence over our lives and our environment, in particular the South Downs National Park Authority (SDNPA), Lewes District Council (LDC), East Sussex County Council (ESCC), Ditchling Parish Council and our local MP.
Ditchling needs a strong, independent voice. We lie on the western periphery of Lewes District and East Sussex County. We will also shortly, if the Boundary Commission’s recommendations go through, no longer be part of Lewes parliamentary constituency, but will be joined in an unwieldy combination with East Grinstead and Uckfield. Developments beyond our borders, such as the extensive house building programme in Mid-Sussex, have a direct effect on us but the structure of local government gives us little say or influence over them. The Ditchling Society is untrammelled by local politics or conventions and can help make the voice of the community known.
Within our own parish:
- We are liaising with SDNPA on the future review of the Ditchling Conservation Area.
- We have produced a survey and analysis of the historic Victorian street lights that adorn our village.
- We have been included as a consultee on the various working groups examining Ditchling’s traffic issues.
- We regularly organise village litter-picks and spruce-up days to keep our village looking smart.
- We have installed swift boxes in St Margaret’s church tower and have a programme to try and attract these wonderful birds to nest again in their previous home.
- We participated in the development of the Ditchling, Streat and Westmeston neighbourhood plan and have worked hard to protect the settlement gap between Ditchling and Keymer.
- We contributed extensively to the consultation run by Sussex Wildlife Trust concerning the future of the Ditchling Beacon Nature Reserve.
The Ditchling Society is listened to. We have exercised an independent and balanced voice on important local issues for more than thirty years. We invite you to join us.
If you wish to follow-up issues yourself, you will find below a list of some of the important contact points. For instance, Lewes District Council has an excellent “Report It (Love Clean Streets)” smartphone app enabling you to report fly-tipping and all aspects of littering. You can download it here.

The Local Authorities and their responsibilities:
Ditchling Parish Council.
Many areas and parts of the village are owned, managed and maintained by Ditchling Parish Council (DPC). These include:
- The Recreation Ground in Lewes Road
- The new car park in Keymer Road
- The War Memorial
- The Burial Ground
- Street lighting in the village
For further information about the Ditchling Parish Council: Home – Ditchling Parish Council (ditchling-pc.gov.uk)
Lewes District Council owns and maintains:
- All footpath and street signs
- The car park at the Village Hall, including the lights
- LDC is also responsible for refuse collection, recycling and fly-tipping issues
For further information about Lewes District Council: Home page – Lewes and Eastbourne Councils (lewes-eastbourne.gov.uk)
East Sussex Highways maintains:
- The highways and footpaths including potholes
- Traffic signage and lighting
For further information about East Sussex Highways: East Sussex Highways