July 2023. A Bad Month for Ditchling?
On 26 July changes made by the Government to planning law came into effect. Campsites that were previously restricted to 28 days each year were given permission to open for 60 days.
On 24 July the Government announced a consultation concerning further possible changes that could significantly change the rules concerning the conversion of farm buildings to dwelling houses in the National Park. This is potentially of great significance and you only have until 25 September to make your feelings known.
– If you want to find out how the campsite on the ‘Land to the West of The Drove’ gained permission to open for 60 days a year, click here.
– If you want to understand the scale of what the Government proposes in its consultation and what we can do about it, click here.
The announcements about campsites and the consultation on farm buildings both relate to so-called ‘Permitted Development Rights’ (PDRs). These are rights granted by the Government that allow you to do certain things without needing planning permission. These Rights overrule any local government or neighbourhood plans. Traditionally many of the PDRs have not applied to land in National Parks – the consultation makes it clear that the Government wants this to change!
Whatever you feel about the proposed changes, you only have until 25 September to have your say – after that the course of events will be out of your hands.

Bike Swarm. 10.30, Saturday, 23 September
A group of concerned parents has organised a mass walking and cycling event to draw attention to the risks faced by us, our children and indeed our grandchildren walking or cycling along the Keymer Road from Ditchling to school or other facilities in Hassocks.
Meet at Ditchling Primary School at 10.30 on Saturday, 23 September, prepared to walk or cycle to Hassocks. There will be marshals to ensure it is safe. Wear bright colours and, if you can, bring bike horns and bells.

Don’t Urbanise the Downs. Tuesday, 12 September meeting
We are grateful to Marc Munier for coming to our annual meeting and updating us on activities. The campaign’s recent newsletter included the announcement of an information and re-launch event at Plumpton Village Hall on 12 September from 6– 9pm. They promised more details to follow but included the following information:
“There will be a short presentation at 7.30pm, outlining what’s been going on and where we are currently, and lots of lovely ‘Don’t Urbanise the Downs’ members to chat to. Also, some interesting local wildlife experts and children’s activities….not to mention, very importantly, some delicious cake and wine to keep you refreshed! Do come along!
“You need to know that Eton College and Welbeck Land have created the ‘North Barnes Farm Partnership’ (which the Plunkett Foundation is also part of). Some people may be unaware that it is THIS proposal we are campaigning against, so whilst we are clearly saying ‘NO’ to Eton College, who own the land, it is the North Barnes Farm Partnership who are currently sending out information about the new town proposals on social media and handing out glossy brochures in Lewes.”
Don’t Urbanise the Downs’ website is donturbanisethedowns.com
Julia Goodbourn and Steve Dempsey,
Co-chairs, the Ditchling Society