Dear Members,
We have talked recently of the imminent release of the Ditchling Society’s ‘Village Audit’. Well, the moment has arrived. Attached to this email is the distilled work of your committee since May to assemble and catalogue issues noted around the village (click here to see the document).
As you will read in the introduction, we do not claim it is a comprehensive ‘to do’ list; instead we hope it will strike a chord within the community and provide the basis for future discussions with our local authorities. We hope it will also enthuse individuals to tackle issues that are at least partly within our own control, most importantly the maintenance of trees and hedges along our roads and pathways.
We would like to thanks all members of the committee for their assistance in assembling this document and trust you find it both interesting and informative.
Julia Goodbourn and Steve Dempsey,
Co-chairs, the Ditchling Society